A friend once told me that “relationship is the currency of the Kingdom.” Over the years it has proven over and over again to be true! Everything we do is connected in one way or another to relationships! It’s not what you know, so much as it is, who you know. The word relationship is rooted in a sixteenth century Latin word, “relatio” which means ‘brought back, ’ from the verb, “referre”. The meaning here does not carry the thought of referring back to something mentally or in ones memory. It is talking about the act of passing something back and forth between two parties, like sharing the weight or load of something needing to be carried. Triathlon athletes who compete in the passing of the baton for example, must depend on each other if they are to win the competition! If these powerful athletes are to truly succeed they must depend on each another as a team to get their baton to the finish line. Each runner understands that he or she is not the only ones in the c
Mark is a gifted writer, author, inspirational speaker, recording artist, who shares valuable insights drawn from over 4o years of his life and leadership experience with audiences around the world. With a unique sense of time, destiny and purpose; Mark is dedicated to assisting men and women in discovering their authentic spiritual identity and unlocking and maximizing their true God given potential in the earth.